Accountable Care Organizations: Framework for Biopharmaceuticals

NPC Chief Science Officer Dr. Robert Dubois today will moderate a panel discussion, "Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Framework for Biopharmaceuticals," at the BIO International Convention in Chicago. The discussion will focus on the many considerations faced by ACOs as they strive to meet cost and quality benchmarks, and in particular, how biopharmaceuticals will fit into those efforts.  

NPC Chief Science Officer Dr. Robert Dubois today will moderate a panel discussion, "Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Framework for Biopharmaceuticals," at the BIO International Convention in Chicago. The discussion will focus on the many considerations faced by ACOs as they strive to meet cost and quality benchmarks, and in particular, how biopharmaceuticals will fit into those efforts.  

Joining Dr. Dubois for the discussion are Dr. Jerry Penso, chief medical and quality officer, American Medical Group Association (AMGA); Greg Kotzbauer, project manager, health policy and ACO demonstrations, Dartmouth Institute; and Dr. Scott Pope, executive director, Healthcare Innovators Collaborative, Premier healthcare alliance. All are members of the Working Group on Optimizing Medication Therapy in Value-Based Healthcare, a collaboration of NPC, AMGA, Premier health care alliance and seven provider organizations that developed a framework for considering the role of pharmaceuticals in achieving value-based success. The framework, first described by the Working Group in a web exclusive article of the American Journal of Managed Care (July 2012), is being tested by Dartmouth’s ACO Learning Network among its member organizations. Dr. Kotzbauer will preview some of those findings.

Earlier this month, Dr. Dubois discussed the current progress of ACOs at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy's 25th Annual Meeting & Expo in San Diego, CA. Health care leaders are optimistic that ACOs will lead to health care savings, but the data so far has not been as promising, he said.

Today’s BIO International Convention presentation will delve further into how stakeholders can collaborate to incorporate biopharmaceutical use into achieving ACO goals. Plan to stop by the ACO panel discussion, which begins at 3:45 pm CDT.