The National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) is a health policy research organization dedicated to the advancement of good evidence and science, and to fostering an environment in the United States that supports medical innovation.
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Showing 587 Results
Communicating Research Findings: Changes to FDAMA 114?
With his commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine, Tufts Medical Center Economist Dr. Peter Neumann re-sparked the debate about the type of information that pharmaceutical companies are…
NPC Request for Research Proposals on Individual Treatment Effects
NPC’s recent research, conferences and activities have explored the “myth” of the average patient, highlighting the policy, coverage and health outcomes challenges when a patient’s response to a…
NEJM Commentary Rekindles Debate on Communicating CER
A commentary published on July 18 in the New England Journal of Medicine is rekindling the debate about comparative effectiveness research (CER) and the pharmaceutical industry’s ability to…
An International Comparison of the Use and Impact of Real World Evidence
The pharmaceutical industry’s increasing focus on RWE reflects the greater supply of electronic patient-level data and higher stakeholder demand for RWE-based decisions. So why have manufacturers…
Medication Adherence: Americans Earn Poor Marks in Recent Report
We know that optimizing the use of medicine plays an important role in lowering costs and improving health outcomes. So how are our nation’s patients doing in sticking to their prescribed medications?
Get to Know NPC’s New Fellow, Dr. Chuck Shih
The National Pharmaceutical Council has partnered with The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services to create a post-doctoral, two-year fellowship that addresses the…
When Is Evidence Sufficient for Decision-Making?
National Pharmaceutical Council Chief Science Officer Robert Dubois, MD, PhD, recently co-authored a special report in the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, "When is evidence sufficient…
NPC to Present Research at AcademyHealth, DIA Meetings
The National Pharmaceutical Council's research will be showcased next week during presentations at two conferences: the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Baltimore on June 23-25, and the Drug…
NPC Presentations at the ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting
NPC staff members and collaborators presented on several recent research projects at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 18th Annual International Meeting…
CER Collaborative: Providing the Tools for Better Formulary Decisions
National Pharmaceutical Council Chief Science Officer Robert Dubois, MD, PhD, and Director of Comparative Effectiveness Research Jennifer Graff, PharmD, recently co-authored a column in the Journal…
The Role of Pharmaceuticals in Health Insurance Exchanges
As part of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, a series of state health insurance exchanges are being established across the United States. National Pharmaceutical Council Chief Science…
A Look at Rx Coverage and Cost in the New Health Insurance Exchanges
National Pharmaceutical Chief Science Officer Dr. Robert Dubois will lead a panel discussion, "Capturing the Value of Pharmaceuticals--A Look at Rx Coverage and Cost in the New Health Insurance…
When Should Observational Studies Be Used for Decision-Making, or When Will the Emperor Have Clothes?
Researchers have been discussing the pros and cons of observational studies for decades, and it’s a conversation that will continue long after the Institute of Medicine meeting has concluded. In fact…
Observational Studies in a Learning Health System
Tomorrow morning, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in conjunction with the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), will kick off its two-day workshop on the use of observational studies…
NPC Welcomes Dr. Bryan Luce as PCORI Chief Science Officer
The National Pharmaceutical Council today welcomed the news that the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has appointed its first chief science officer, marking an important progress…
More on Individual Treatment Effects and Research Studies
Researchers are well aware that it can be difficult to parse out which subgroups will experience different treatment responses, even when they have large numbers of studies available to explore. Some…
Considering Individual Treatment Effects When Conducting Research
One of the topics that will be addressed during the Institute of Medicine (IOM) meeting on April 25-26 is how to identify individual treatment effects, or heterogeneity, when conducting research…
Accountable Care Organizations: Framework for Biopharmaceuticals
NPC Chief Science Officer Dr. Robert Dubois today will moderate a panel discussion, "Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Framework for Biopharmaceuticals," at the BIO International Convention in…
Say GRACE! Principles for Observational Studies
Research critics often point to methodological weaknesses inherent in observational studies, coupled with the lack of standard principles to assess their quality, as practical limitations to their…