Click here to watch an archived webcast of "Health Spending: Tackling The Big Issues," hosted by Health Affairs and the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) on Thursday, February 1, in Washington, DC.
Health Affairs, with support from the National Pharmaceutical Council, launched a new, multi-year project on “Health Spending.” The project aims to promote an evidence-based conversation about health spending by exploring questions involving the level and growth rate of health spending, the distribution of spending, efforts to improve the value of care, and analysis of options for constraining health care costs. To begin the public dialogue, Health Affairs and NPC hosted a kickoff event on Thursday, February 1, 2018, in Washington, DC.
Panelists discussed what we know about health care spending, examined the effectiveness of current efforts to improve value, and explored how various sectors are responding to high levels of health care spending.
For insights from attendees, watch the story unfold on Storify.
8:30 Breakfast and Registration
9:00 Welcome
- Alan Weil, @alanrweil, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, @Health_Affairs
9:15 Health Care Spending: Challenges and Opportunities
- Moderator: Robert Dubois, @robertwdubois, Chief Science Officer and Executive Vice President, National Pharmaceutical Council, @npcnow
- Amitabh Chandra, @amitabhchandra2, Malcolm Wiener Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University
- David Cutler, @Cutler_econ, Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University
10:05 Research Presentations: What Do We Know About Spending And Value?
- Moderator: Alan Weil, @alanrweil, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, @Health_Affairs
- Spending, Value and the Patient Perspective: Amber Barnato, @abarnato, Susan J. and Richard M. Levy Distinguished Professor of Health Care Delivery, The Dartmouth Institute, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, @DartmouthIns
- Why Isn’t Spending Rising in Medicare?: Melinda Buntin, @MelindaBBuntin, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, @VUMChealth
- How Does The U.S. Compare Against The Rest Of The World Regarding GDP Spending On Health Care?: Leslie Greenwald, Chief Scientist and Vice President, RTI International, @RTIHS
- Allocating Resources In The U.S. Health Care System: Lessons From Around The World: Craig Mitton, Professor, School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, @UBC
11:00 Break
11:15 Perspectives Panel
- Moderator: Robert Dubois, @robertwdubois, Chief Science Officer and Executive Vice President, National Pharmaceutical Council, @npcnow
- Eric Gascho, Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs, National Health Council, @NHcouncil
- Otis Brawley, @OtisBrawley, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, American Cancer Society/Emory University, @AmericanCancer
- Katie Martin, Vice President for Health Policy and Programs, National Partnership for Women and Families, @NPWF
12:10 Lunch
12:45 Panel Discussion: How Effective Are Current Efforts To Improve Value?
- Moderator: Alan Weil, @alanrweil, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, @Health_Affairs
- Katherine Baicker, Dean, Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago, @HarrisPolicy
- Ashish Jha, @ashishkjha, K.T. Li Professor and Senior Associate Dean, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, @HarvardGH
- Corinna Sorenson, Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences, Duke School of Medicine, Duke University, @DukeMedSchool
1:45 Panel Discussion: Are We Ready for A Serious Conversation on Health Spending?
- Moderator: Mark McClellan, Robert J. Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine, and Policy; Director of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, Duke University, @dukemargolis
- Mollyann Brodie, @Mollybrodie, Senior Vice President, Public Opinion and Survey Research, Kaiser Family Foundation, @KaiserFamFound
- Robert Dubois, @robertwdubois, Chief Science Officer and Executive Vice President, National Pharmaceutical Council, @npcnow
- Alan Weil, @alanrweil, Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, @Health_Affairs
2:45 Closing Remarks
3:00 Adjournment