John O’Brien keynoted the AACP Interim Meeting, “INvigorate 2022”
NPC’s John M. O’Brien, PharmD, MPH, addressed the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) audience during the "INvigorate 2022" kickoff plenary session on Saturday, February 19, 2022 in San Diego, CA. Dr. O’Brien drew upon his deep and diverse experiences in the federal government, insurance industry, and the corporate sector to provide his perspectives and recommendations on how pharmacy as a profession, and academic pharmacy as leaders, can engage with these sectors to increase our impact and achieve the goals of the AACP 2021-24 strategic plan.
AACP’s three-and-a-half-day meeting (February 19-22) highlighted networking, learning, and problem solving, and focused on implementing new ideas and strategies to prepare for transformation in pharmacy education and practice.
Session topics included:
- The importance of establishing connections between academic pharmacy and national pharmacy organizations
- How institutional leadership can create a welcoming environment to support DEIA efforts
- Innovative approaches to transform pharmacy practice on all fronts, and with everyone who plays a role
- Making global connections with schools of pharmacy and the impact an international experience abroad can have on students
- Best practices from across the Academy to promote and maintain the well-being of students, faculty, and staff
- CAPE outcomes, EPAs, competency-based education, and the opportunity to provide input on their implementation
- Ways to support faculty at every stage in their career with mentorship and professional development opportunities