Webinar Part 1: Building Better Benefits: Rethinking Value-Based Benefit Design

NPC was featured in the first of a two-part webinar series (sponsored by the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions) on value-based benefit design and the importance of building better benefits.


NPC was pleased to participate in the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions' webinar, "Building Better Benefits: Rethinking Value-Based Benefit Design."

Held on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. ET

On demand archive of the webinar available now!


About the Webinar:

In the first of a two-part webinar series on value-based benefit design, participants learned how to strategically align their benefit designs to incentivize value, address equity concerns, and balance affordability challenges. Participants followed Genesco’s benefits journey that considered equity and the diverse needs of their retail and corporate employees. This webinar reviewed key messages and delved deeper into the Building Better Benefits workshop from the 2021 National Alliance Annual Forum.

Featured Speakers


  • Gaye Fortner, MSN, President and CEO, HC21 Business Coalition


  • Cindy Dempsey, MHA, Director, Total Rewards, Genesco
  • Bruce Sherman, MD, Medical Advisor, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
  • Kimberly Westrich, MA, Vice President, Health Services Research, National Pharmaceutical Council
Building Better Benefits

How Can We Build Better Benefits?

Poorly designed health insurance can create barriers for patients in accessing these high-value therapies. By implementing evidence-based, patient-centered solutions we can modernize benefit design to improve patent access while also controlling costs. 

Learn more.