Achieving Quality in ACOs: A Webinar & Infographic

As Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) gain traction among both private and public payers, so do expectations that these networks of health care providers will improve the quality of patient care and reduce overall costs. However, new research shows that ACOs have not yet developed the capabilities they need to leverage optimal medication use to achieve those goals.

As Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) gain traction among both private and public payers, so do expectations that these networks of health care providers will improve the quality of patient care and reduce overall costs. However, new research shows that ACOs have not yet developed the capabilities they need to leverage optimal medication use to achieve those goals.

The research, conducted in partnership among the National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC), the American Medical Group Association (AMGA) and Premier, Inc. (NASDAQ: PINC), appears in the January 2014 issue of the Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy.

We’ve summarized the research in this handy infographic and invite you to participate in a webinar with study authors on Tuesday, January 14 at 1 pm ET. We hope you will join us online tomorrow and follow the conversation on Twitter using #npcwebinar.