Commentary: "New York Times Piece on Drug Market Ignores the Data (and Reality)"

NPC's President and CEO John M. O'Brien addresses research using politically expedient shortcuts and the consequences on policy...and patients. 

In a commentary published in RealClearPolicy, NPC President and CEO John M. O'Brien outlines the deep and misleading flaws found in a recent New York Times Opinion Essay, discussing trends in prescription drug launch prices between 2008-2021.

In the commentary, Dr. O'Brien walks through the missteps made in the analysis and why relying on bad science to justify government price-setting for new treatments and cures could hurt patients.

Read the commentary now. 

The goal of any well-intentioned policy effort should be to lower costs for patients at the pharmacy counter. For that we need good policies based on thorough research that acknowledges its limitations, not political advocacy that is funded by industry critics and disguised as science.

John M. O'Brien
President and CEO, NPC