Employer Medication Compliance Initiatives: Executive Summary

This study, which for the first time surveyed employers’ views and strategies on medication compliance, says 89% of employers acknowledge its importance to employee health.

Authors: Reynolds, C.; Martin, D.
Publication: November 2009
Download the report.

Medication compliance has long been acknowledged as a serious problem for the American health care system, costing billions of dollars in lost productivity, additional doctor visits, preventable hospitalizations and nursing home admissions, and even premature death. This National Pharmaceutical Council-sponsored study, “Employer Medication Compliance Initiatives,” which for the first time surveyed employers’ views and strategies on medication compliance, says 89% of employers acknowledge its importance to employee health.

The research included a web-based survey of 75 employers, supplemented by 13 in-depth interviews. The survey targeted employee benefit directors, medical directors and other health management professionals with health management and pharmacy benefit decision-making authority or influence in large, self-insured corporations.