Paying for value is critical to the evolving health care system, and how we assess value is a critical part of that evolution. Yet there is still much work to be done if value assessments are meant to be tools that will help health care decision-makers. How can the field of value assessment progress to truly discerning and valid decision support?
A Health Affairs Blog post by NPC Chief Science Officer Robert Dubois, MD, PhD, and Vice President for Health Services Research Kimberly Westrich, MA, identified several key considerations that could help to advance the field of value assessment. Among their recommendations, Dubois and Westrich suggest ensuring that patients and their perspectives are included in the assessment process, being transparent about the types of evidence and methods that are used, incorporating user preferences, viewing cost effectiveness both from a health care and a societal standpoint and carefully considering whether and how a budget impact assessment is done.
Read the complete post on the Health Affairs Blog.