Why Is It Important for Researchers to Consider Individual Treatment Effects?

Why is it important for researchers to consider individual treatment effects, or heterogeneity? Dr. David Meltzer, director of the Center for Health & the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago, explains how it can be accounted for when conducting comparative effectiveness research.


Why is it important for researchers to consider individual treatment effects? We asked Dr. David Meltzer, director of the Center for Health & the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago, to give us his thoughts on individual treatment effects, or heterogeneity, and how it can be accounted for when conducting comparative effectiveness research. He says it's important to think about heterogeneity both before and after the research begins.

Dr. David Meltzer, director of the Center for Health & the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago, shares his thoughts on individual treatment effects.

Dr. Meltzer will be a featured speaker at a conference, "The Myth of Average: Why Individual Patient Differences Matter," on Friday, November 30, 2012, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, from 8 am to 3:30 pm. His presentation, "Heterogeneity and Health Disparities: How Patient Preferences Impact Outcomes," will begin at 10 am.