Better Value, Smarter Deductibles in HSA-HDHPs: Improving Health, Equity & Engagement

NPC and National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions collaborated on an Action Brief highlighting key steps employers can take to enhance their health benefit design approach.

NPC and the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions collaborated on an Action Brief, “Better Value, Smarter Deductibles in HSA-HDHPs: Improving Health, Equity & Engagement,” which highlights key steps that employers can take to enhance their benefit design approach to support better out-of-pocket spending, reduce costs, and improve employee engagement, while also considering health equity concerns:

  1. Examine how your HDHP design affects employee health.
  2. Expand pre-deductible coverage to include high-value care and prescription drugs.
  3. Be intentional about health equity strategies.
  4. Educate and motivate employees to use high-value pre-deductible healthcare.

Read the Action Brief.