The National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC) is a health policy research organization dedicated to the advancement of good evidence and science, and to fostering an environment in the United States that supports medical innovation.
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Showing 588 Results
#TBT: CER Collaborative & Environmental Trends
NPC's #TBT post takes a closer look at the CER Collaborative, an initiative designed to help identify optimal ways to assess evidence from comparative effectiveness research studies.
Evidence Supply and Demand: A Framework for Closing Gaps between Researchers and Payers
With growing efforts and investments by stakeholders to tap into Big Data, the evidence available to inform payer decision-making, including real-world evidence, may be more plentiful than ever…
Researchers Consider When Evidence Is Fit for Purpose at Concordium Meeting
Coming up at AcademyHealth’s inaugural Concordium 2015 meeting, look for Jennifer Graff, PharmD, NPC’s vice president for comparative effectiveness research, who will present findings from a paper…
Risk-Sharing Agreements: Possibilities & Barriers
It’s hard to ignore the health care news headlines and the growing tension between health insurers and biopharmaceutical manufacturers. Payers are concerned about committing significant outlays for…
Value Is in the Eye of the Beholder? NPC Takes Closer Look at ICER Framework
In recent months, a number of health organizations have developed “value assessment frameworks,” which are designed to inform coverage and treatment decisions made by payers. Many of these frameworks…
#TBT: What Are Quality Measures, and Why Are They Important?
As part of our Throwback Thursday blog series, we’re taking a look at a topic that’s currently in the news and tagging it with previous research, videos or commentaries in a relevant way. As the…
Consumer-Directed Health Plans; Employees; Health and Productivity
More employers are offering consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs), which are high-deductible plans offered in combination with an account that enrollees can access to offset the deductible expense…
How Health and Productivity Go Hand in Hand
The health and safety of Americans is closely tied to our nation’s productivity and prosperity because, as studies have shown, healthier workers are happier and more productive. And helping workers…
Why Labor Day Matters for Health
The Labor Day holiday weekend has come to symbolize the end of summer. But the reason it was established was to celebrate American workers and the importance of their work. While it’s nice to have a…
#TBT: Restrictive Formularies & Potential Pitfalls
As part of our Throwback Thursday blog series, we’re taking a look at a topic that’s currently in the news and tagging it with previous research, videos or commentaries in a relevant way. As the…
Access to Medications, Adherence Go Hand in Hand
If the lack of medication adherence were an easy problem to solve, then everyone would be taking their medicines as directed, there would be no need for iPhone apps or electronic pill bottle…
Why You Need to Register for Our Health Care Quality Measures Course
The National Pharmaceutical Council (NPC), in partnership with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, will launch an educational course that addresses a critical topic among many health care…
Why Adhering to Doctors' Orders Is Important
Doctors prescribe medications with the expectation that patients will take them correctly, which is called medication adherence. However,most patients do not follow doctors' orders, which can be bad…
#TBT: Amarin, Biopharmaceutical Communications and a Look Back at Caronia
For #TBT, NPC takes a look at US v. Caronia and its potential implications for biopharmaceutical communications.
#TBT: Medicaid’s 50th Anniversary & NPC’s Medicaid Compilation Series
On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law Medicaid, a state and federally funded program that offers health coverage to certain low-income people, the elderly and individuals with…
Are You a Clinical Decision-Maker? Register for Expert-Endorsed CER Collaborative Tools to Be “Better at What You Do”
The growing availability of new research poses challenges and opportunities for those creating, communicating or using research to inform clinical decisions. There is little guidance on how to…
How Can We Assess the Value of a Companion Diagnostic Test?
When President Obama pledged $215 million for a Precision Medicine Initiative during his State of the Union address earlier this year, he acknowledged how far biopharmaceutical innovation has come…
High-Deductible Health Plans, Pharmacy Benefits & Better Practices
It is the time of year when many employers, insurance companies and health exchanges are finalizing decisions about coverage and benefit options for 2016. Among other coverage trends, more employers…
#TBT: 10 Prescribing Principles for Older Patients & #WHCOA
A supplement to the peer-reviewed magazine Pharmacy & Therapeutics, “Individualized Prescribing for the Elderly,” (and our #TBT pick of the week) explained that the selection of pharmaceutical…
#TBT: Forgetfulness & Medication Adherence
As part of our “Throwback Thursday” blog series, we’re taking a look at a topic that’s currently in the news and tagging it with previous research, videos or commentaries in a relevant way…